
Smash Bros Brawl is an Online Feature Beast

My oh my. Just when I thought Super Smash Bros Brawl couldn't get any cooler Sakurai, the games director, goes and announces this. It still may not be Halo 3 in the online department but the announcement today over at the Smash Bros Dojoshows that there is a level editor available in the game. Not only is there a level editor in the game but it is possible to save your creations to an SD card and bring them to a friends house to play. What, that's not really all that cool? Well then just send the level to them over Nintedo's WiFi Connection and play against them online. Still not cool enough? Well then mail the level to Nintendo and every single day they will feature a new created level for random online matches. So if you are fighting online and set the level to random, millions of people a day could be playing on your creation. Love it while you got it though because it only lasts for a day.

So as of right now there are a multitude of online options for this game. You can setup various character statues in different poses and send snapshots to friends. You can battle it out in every level and mode against friends or stangers. You can record up to three minutes of replay footage and send it to a buddy. And now, you can create your own level, music and all, and send it to friends or Nintendo for multiplayer madness. Is this the end of the online mode announcements or does Sakurai have some more tricks up his sleeve?