
Metroid or Love

My copy of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption came in today, I got a call from the roommate and it's sitting on my desk at home, but there is a problem. Tuesdays are typically reserved for real life activities (i.e. girlfriend) but today Metroid came out. What more do I need to say really? The predicament gets even worse when the girlfriend informed me that she wouldn't be upset if I stayed home and gamed rather than hang out with her. This, to most, would actually create a quick solution, "stay home and game." But those out there that actually love their wives or girlfriends know that it's really not all that simple.

I am lost. To game, and potentially not see her for a few days form now, or hang out with her and not get to play Metroid for another week (due to scheduling and weekend trip plans). What should I do?

P.S. This is the 100th post to the Game Gym blog. Congrats to anyone who's read the blog at all during that time.


JJ Hendricks said...

Congrats on the 100th post. And sticking with your girlfriend instead of Samus

Travis Hendricks said...

It was a tough choice, but the coin toss can't lie. Or maybe it can, who knows?

mndrix said...

Go with the girlfriend. Long after Metroid is collecting dust, her smiling face will still be with you.

Maverick Lawyer said...

Don't forget about Ashley though...does she fit into the picture somehow?

Travis Hendricks said...

That's where the real issue occurs. Samus (Metroid's main heroine) and I have such a history together that pre-dates Megs and me. But then again, Megs has that "real person" thing going for her, that's kind of a nice characteristic.