
Awesome Tetris Shirt

After reading this blog post I was perusing around some various t-shirt retailers for some neat or funny [game related?] shirts and I came across this one at BustedTees.com. I would love to get this for myself but it has a curse word on the front and I am sort of against plastering profanities anywhere on my body. The concept of the shirt on the other hand is simply brilliant, or at least I enjoyed it.

I know for a fact this is the type of shirt that many people, even the so-called casual gamer, will understand and enjoy for two major reasons. The first reason, it uses a common statement that many people are familiar with. I mean, come on, it was in Forrest Gump for goodness sake. The second reason is the fact that Tetris sold about 40 million copies not including all the generic rip-offs on cell phones these days. So there is definitely a familiarity for most people. It just works on so many levels. What do you guys think of the shirt?


mndrix said...

What a find! That is one of the best shirts of all time, gaming or otherwise. Thanks.

Travis Hendricks said...

Yeah I am thinking of buying three of them (3 for $25) or something like that and then giving them to my three main gaming buddies that don't mind wearing profanities. Maybe I'll use it for Christmas gifts or something.

Anonymous said...


A new "real" tetris tshirt with correct colors and bricks :)

Un nouveau *vrai* tshirt "Tetris".
Avec des couleurs et des briques qui tiennent la route \o/

Sur le site qshirt.ch