
My Flipnote Studios Creations

This is definitely my best of the three I have made so far. I only uploaded this one to Flipnote Hatena (click for my profile) but I will make a few more or post my other ones later and update this post.


JJ Hendricks said...

Haha. That is a funny little animation. How is the tool? Is it pretty easy to create those animations?

mndrix said...

I love the sound effects

Travis Hendricks said...

The tool is a ton of fun and very simple to use. I made this one in under 30 minutes. The sounds effects adding is extremely easy with the microphone and the drawing couldn't be easier.

And the whole thing was a free download. The Flipnote Hatena Web site is awesome too. It's a mini YouTube for animations.

Anonymous said...

My son has PlayStation 2 and wants to upgrade to PS3 for X-mas. Which of theses versions is best to consider, the 40BG, 60GB or 80GB? Is one version more compatable than the other with PS2 games?

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Two days ago I played around this site:
[url=http://www.rivalspot.com]Rivalspot.com - Ps3 Live Tournaments[/url]
They say you can play online NHL game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only Bringit.com and Worldgaming.com but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?